One of the questions I get most frequently from people who have learned I'm publishing a trilogy in addition to working a full-time (and stereotypically all-consuming) day job is how do you find time to do both?
Similarly, when I'm talking with other author friends who have day jobs, we can often be found asking ourselves and each other how on earth are we supposed to do both these things? I'm not going to pretend it's easy. I can't give you three weird tricks that will make drafting your next novel a breeze or the one thing that you should do to make your boss love you. But I can tell you about the habits, systems, routines, and resources that I have built up over the last decade that allow me to balance a full time career as an academic and sustain a writing practice.
Casey E. BergerAuthor of the Resonance Saga. Code in my head, words in my heart, music in my soul. Wanderer of the woods and the world. Archives
November 2021